Transitioning Your Skincare from Winter to Spring

Posted by Katryna Y on

Aside from finding the perfect shade of red lipstick, there's nothing quite as satisfying than perfecting your skin care routine. You've researched, sampled, and experimented until you've distilled down to the perfect series of lotions and potions that make your skin radiate a healthy, happy glow.

Then, the seasons change and we have to start all over again.

Its seems the roughest transition is happening right now, where winter and spring seem to be battling it out in a metaphorical tug-of-war. The frequent flip-flop of  the weather can wreck havoc on our skin, and our neatly organized routines. Our winter moisturizers end up feeling a too heavy in these milder temps, but our go-to spring and summer products are still too lightweight for the indoor heating and fuzzy outerwear that are still required. 

Skincare routines can be as unique as the women using them, but we rounded up the top tips the LUX ladies had to offer to weather this roller coaster of a season.

Add a Hydrating Mask

When the spring sunshine starts to warm our faces, it can be jarring when the snow decides to fly. A rich, all over hydrating mask will be a rejuvenating jumpstart to keep your skin happy and bright, and turn a blind eye to chill outside. Posy swears by Glam Glow ThirstyMud this time of year to keep her skin from going crazy.

Soften your Winter Routine

If you aren't quite ready to part with your rich cold-weather moisturizer, lighten it out to get the benefits without the weight. Katryna recommends misting Caudalie Grape Water all over before applying your moisturizer will allow for smoother application and thinner spread for the above average temps.

Re-introduce SPF

Even though you *should* be wearing an SPF everyday, a few of us admittedly drop it when we can barely count the sunshine hours on one hand. With the return of Daylight Savings and more time spent outdoors, its time to pay special mind to sun protection and focus on integrating it back into our AM routines.

Boost with a Serum

Natasha highly advocates adding a serum to carry you through the transition. Hydrating serums can go deeper than your moisturizer alone, and hold more water in your skin. If you love the feeling of a lighter-weight moisturizer but need an extra boost for this in-between season, something like Caudalie SOS Serum is the way to go.

Or Boost with an Oil

If you find your skin tends to have that tight, dry feeling on the surface (due to the environment, like cool winds and indoor heaters), Brittany suggests adding a few drops of a nourishing oil to your spring moisturizer. Oils are super calming, and will help your skin repair itself at the surface. RMS Beauty Oil is a good pick because it isn't greasy. Natasha also suggests a drop of high quality olive oil on top for the antioxidants.

Start with your Cleanser

If you are happy with your serum and moisturizing products, but need that extra something when the temperature drops below zero, address the problem at the beginning of your routine. Switch out your regular foaming cleanser for something gentler and more nourishing, like REN Purity Balm or Caudalie Cleansing Milk.

Go Deep at Night

Some of us are used to slathering our faces in a rich nourishing oils, but it might be a bit much as we head into spring. Instead of cutting them out completely, focus on applying only at night, and letting the benefits take over as you rest. Amiee and Sarah love Indie Lee Squalane Oil. For the daytime, start using your warm weather regimen instead.

Spring Clean Your Stash!

We also can't forget the cleaning that is synonymous with this warmer weather. Now is an opportunity to evaluate all the products currently in your cabinet and clean out the products you no longer use, love or find beneficial to your skin. Have a product that just didn't work for you? Pass it along to a friend to try. But if it's older than 6 months it's probably better to toss it.

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